The Brain of The Year:
A Celebration of
Mental Excellence

Unlocking the hidden potential of the human mind is an adventure that has fascinated us for centuries. It’s a quest that demands creativity, persistence, and a profound understanding of what it means to be human. In recognition of this incredible journey, the Brain of The Year award was conceived.

For more than a decade, this esteemed accolade has shone a spotlight on the remarkable individuals who have scaled the peaks of mental achievement. More than an honour, it’s a symbol of our shared belief in the endless possibilities of the human brain.

We have arranged biographies of some of the previous Brain of the Year laureates in an alphabetical order:

Arif Anis

Ambassador Dr. Otto
Federico von Feigenblatt

Baroness Susan Greenfield

(Grand Sumo Champion)

Garry Kasparov

Dominic O'Brien

Qualifying for the Award

The Brain of The Year isn’t for the ordinary; it’s a recognition reserved for those who’ve shown exceptional brilliance. Here’s what sets them apart:

  1. Pioneering Excellence: Nominees are leaders in their field, setting new benchmarks and inspiring others.
  2. Innovative Contributions: They have advanced the sciences of cognition, memory, intellectual development, learning, or mind sports and games.
  3. Creative Breakthroughs: Their innovative ideas and creations have reshaped thinking in their discipline.
  4. Educational Impact: They’ve dedicated themselves to teaching others, sharing their knowledge and wisdom.
  5. Holistic Health: They embody the philosophy of “Mens sana in corpore sano” – a healthy mind in a healthy body.
  6. Stamina & Persistence: Their journey showcases unwavering determination and resilience over time.
  7. Cultural Awareness: They’ve demonstrated a rich understanding of various cultures and the interconnected world we live in.
  8. Social Contributions: Their work has had a tangible positive impact on society.
  9. Humanitarian Concern: They’ve shown genuine care and empathy for others.
  10. Global Presence: They are active and recognized at an international level.
  11. Inspiring Role Models: They are shining examples for others in their fields and for the youth.

The Brain of The Year award isn’t just a trophy on a shelf; it’s a narrative of human excellence. It tells a story of innovation, resilience, and compassion, the very qualities that define our shared human experience.

It’s more than an award; it’s an inspiration. Join us in celebrating the brilliant minds that continue to shape our world, embodying the potential that resides within us all.

Brain of the Year
Award 2023/2024

Sania Alam has been awarded the Brain of the Year 2023/2024 for superlative services to education and the ideals of our founder Prof. Tony Buzan.

The award was made at The Union Club London on 29/01/2023 in the presence of distinguished guests including Prof Michael Crawford, Mayor Frances Stainton, Lord Hardinge of Penshurst, Prof Chris Day, General Secretary of the world memory sports council, Prof Jackie Eales, Daniel Johnson editor of The Article, and Don Morris, Dignitaire of the Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne.

Sania now joins the list of distinguished previous winners such as the world chess champion Garry Kasparov, eight times world memory champion Dominic O Brien, Michael Gelb, author of ‘How to think like Leonardo da Vinci’ , Prince Mohsin Ali Khan of Hyderabad, Prof Stephen Hawking, Arif Anis MBE, Prince Marek Kasperski / Princess Petrina Kasperski, and Sir Steve Redgrave.

The Brain Trust

Your mind holds the power to change lives.

 It’s a spark that can ignite a movement, a thought that can blossom into tangible change. At The Brain Trust, we’re on a mission to nurture minds, heal hearts, and foster a mentally literate world. But this journey, though rich with promise, needs the fuel of support from individuals like you.